Ahhh, good ol’ Memorial Day weekend. It's time to remember your fallen loved ones as you go to barbecues with your closest friends and family members. It is time to celebrate that after a loooong winter (and crazy couple years in general) summer is finally here. And as with any celebration, you may “treat yo-self” with too many cheeseburgers, chips, desserts, and maybe one too many alcoholic beverages.
Don’t worry, it happens! Even those living a healthy lifestyle come short of their health and wellness goals every now and then. You may feel tired, puffy and bloated, but these feelings won’t last.
What’s most important is to make sure you “reset” your body and get it back on track. So, let's talk about the reasons why a Post Memorial Day Detox is so important. Then, we’ll give you a few easy and practical detoxing strategies you and your family can do to feel better fast.
Let’s dive right in!
Why Detoxing After Memorial Day Is Important
Before we start, let me say this:
Detoxing in general is a good idea to do a few times every year, and It’s especially important after big celebrations of any kind — where we tend to eat more sweets, junk foods, and alcoholic beverages than normal. But even if you are super good and don't have have desserts or alcohol, detoxing is still important.
Because our environment has all sorts of pollutants in it.— They could come from the air we breath, our food and drinks, and even the electromagnetic frequencies from WiFi, TV, and your microwave – we encounter more toxins than you probably think. And these nasty little toxins can cause all sorts of issues like fatigue, mood swings, irritability, poor sleep, inability to focus, muscle aches, skin issues, and so much more. Detoxing is the most effective way to “purge” these toxins from your body so you can be the healthiest (and happiest) version of yourself.
And this is especially true after holidays and celebrations of all kinds. So let’s get to some of the reasons you should consider detoxing after Memorial Day weekend:
1. Remove the toxins from your body
Whether they come from processed foods, sugar, or alcoholic beverages, you probably have a high amount of toxins that wreak havoc on your body.
First things first, toxins are metabolism killers! And a metabolism that moves as slow as molasses won't help you achieve your perfect summer body.
Toxins also ruin your mood and make your immune system work overtime, thus explaining why so many people feel “blah” after a long weekend of overindulging. When our bodies are filled with toxins, it takes precious energy to try to minimize their damage.
When you detox after overindulgence, you’ll get more energy — physically, mentally, and emotionally. You may find improvements in mood as well as your ability to fall into a good restorative sleep –and stay asleep. A good detox also helps get your immune system back in prime shape. These all help our overall wellbeing and quality of life.
2. Fix the inflammation in your gut
One of the biggest problems with overindulging in white wheat foods, sugar, and booze is that it overloads our guts with inflammation.
Oodles of studies have shown how important our gut health is to our immune system and overall health. Many of these studies have shown that our gut health can effect weight, heart health, immune system and even the health of our brains!
3. Get your body ready for summer
Whenever we go to fun outdoor celebrations we tend to consume way more calories than we normally would. And these aren’t the highest quality calories — often loaded with toxins that slow down your metabolism and make it difficult to burn fat.
A good detox can help boost your metabolism and effortlessly burn more fat – which can lead to a better summer body as the weather warms up.
So, now that we’ve covered why a good detox is beneficial, let’s dive into some quick easy ways to detox after a fun (too fun, maybe) Memorial Day weekend.
How To Quickly, Easily and Safely Detox After Times of Indulgence
This email is not about intensive, often difficult detoxes. While I recommend doing an intensive detox a couple times a year, this is just to highlight the quickest and easiest ways to help our bodies detox after a long weekend of parties and overindulgence. But, if you are looking for that hardcore detox, I recommend this.
The last two recommendations are gentle enough for children. Yes, they can also benefit from a little detoxing after a weekend of parties with an abundance of sugar and junk food. While they don't tend to need as much as adults, children can definitely benefit from a little detoxing after a weekend of excess.
1. Packed with Milk Thistle and More – Perfect Liver Detox
Our livers filter all the toxins from our bodies. A liver detox is one of the most effective ways to help our bodies after overindulging for days on end. A good, natural liver detox supplement will help support our liver as it tries to eliminate the toxins. This is especially important if you consumed too much alcohol. If you had too many drinks over Memorial Day weekend, then you should consider picking up a bottle of Perfect Liver Detox.
Dr. Erica Lepore, a naturopathic doctor, formulated Perfect Liver Detox with the team over at Perfect Supplements. Loaded with milk thistle and other detoxifying herbs, it helps our bodies process all the chemicals, sugars, artificial ingredients, and alcohol we consume over Memorial Day Weekend and anytime.
Check out Perfect Liver Detox here.
2. Purge the chemicals with Perfect Chlorella
Perfect Chlorella is a powerful detoxifier. But it’s also jam-packed with powerful nutrients that you probably won’t get enough of throughout the Memorial Day festivities. Perfect Chlorella comes in two forms – powder and capsules .
Check out Perfect Chlorella here.
Want a more diverse array of beneficial nutrients? Try Perfect Aquatic Greens, a 50/50 combination of organic chlorella and organic spirulina. This also comes in both powder and capsule forms. This potent combination give a wider array of essential nutrients our bodies need every day.
Check out Perfect Aquatic Greens capsules here.
3. Water, water, water
This one probably seems a little obvious, but it’s so important. Sometimes we forget the obvious solutions. ;)
Actually, it’s astonishing the number of Americans who are chronically dehydrated – 75%!
Unfortunately, our water can sometimes be a sneaky source of pesticides, and other toxic contaminants. We recommend filtering your drinking water with an affordable water filter system.
4. Get Some Rest
Lastly, a days of parties often means late nights and too little sleep.
Many of us have work or school on Tuesday, so we recommend the whole family take it easy starting on Monday.
Make a nutrient-loaded smoothie for the family at breakfast, drink lots of water and maybe have a quiet evening in with a movie or games. And, most important, get to bed a little early. It may just help Tuesday’s inbox seem less daunting. ;)
Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend!